Monday, August 23, 2010

Monday, Monday

So today is meeting-free, which is much appreciated, since I awoke late and in a jeans-mood. Yes, we all wear jeans to work on a somewhat regular basis, however, my fear (one of many, you'll learn) is that I'll be in full GAP regalia and a more formally-attired client will want to meet - or even worse, I will be asked last minute to meet with a potential new client! Yes, we promote entertainment organizations, many non-profit, so it's hardly a corporate climate in which we operate. However, as I always say, we Groupers (staff of The Silverman Group, myself included) are a young looking bunch and we do ourselves a disservice by dressing casually (since I tend to think that then our opinions are taken more casually). I recall a client, meeting the new Assistant Account Executive assigned to her account, who mistook the AAE for a summer intern! Not necessarily the best first impression for this AAE who expects the client to take her and her work seriously (and who has by now, of course, earned the client's respect). My two cents: The younger your appearance, the harder you have to work to be taken seriously.

Moving on, today have to tackle one of my least favorite tasks as a business 0wner - shaking down the clients for money! Some months are better than others, in that we receive our monthly fee and expense checks without having to ask - other months, like this one, checks are slow to come in so I've got to send out a few reminder emails. The mail hasn't arrived yet* - no doubt one of those checks will be in the mail - annoying the client who has just received a reminder. ah well.

(*Update: Mail arrived, let's just say there were no wasted emails.)

Enough musings for now. I must get back to doing the work for which I'll (eventually) be paid.

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